Tuesday, January 6, 2009

what a day

Here it is, 1am at night and I should be in bed, but I want to fill you in on my day...I know you are eagerly awaiting it:) 

Brief recap of my day:
This morning was my first morning back at home. Tried to get up early (5am) and go to the gym, but it did not happen! I went at 7:30am and was pleasantly surprised to find the gym pretty quiet! Which I loved! Did Pilates and lifted weights. Good workout!

Then headed home for some quick work before a 11am meeting. Updated my LinkdIn profile, worked on editing web copy for my one of my new company's, signed up for a 50k trail run on March 7, responded to a few Tweet's and then left for my client. It was great to see the boys (6 & 8). It had been 2 weeks since I have seen them. I made hot chocolate (homemade of course), played some games w/ them and one had a short play date. 

This week, I don't have my night client, so I used the time to get some errands done. I went to REI and got myself a head lamp for my night trail runs...going to be fun! Then I had to get a few things for a gift and that is where my story for the day gets interesting....at 8:30pm! 

I was at Barnes & Noble & I had my head down looking at books, when I hear a voice say "Ms. Stanley", I looked up and who did I see, but my ex boyfriend & his current girl friend!!! My mind was thinking of other things, so I was NOT expecting this encounter. However, I held my head high and greeted them both w/ smiles. After a few words, he proceeded to brag to me and I was thinking "why are you trying to impress me". Ugh, it was strange to say the least! I wished them a happy new year, paid for my purchase and left. 

It got me thinking about relationships and how/why guys feel like they have to impress you when you "run" into each other. I think it is a insecurity that they have. To make themselves feel better they feel the need to put you down or try and make you feel unworthy. If you are weak, you will fall into their trap, if you are smart you will see right through it! I encourage you if you ever run into an ex boy friend/girl friend or anyone that you are an "ex" too, that you remain calm, cool, unmoved and wish them the best. You win, they lose. "They" want to have a  grip over you and the only way they do, is if you let what they say get to you. I know it is hard...but be strong! You are better off without that person. Someone told me tonight that "they" are an ex for a reason. That is very true. 

Again, this does not have to apply to bf's/gf's. There are a few relationships that I am better not being in. Why allow yourself to be in a toxic relationship? A relationship should be beneficial for each other and build each other up, not tear down. Remember that "they" can not touch you, they can only try to affect you with words, shunning, bragging, ignoring and other tactics used by them.

I have to remind myself of this on a daily basis.  I choose to surround myself with positive people. Sure we all have our bad days, but if the person is only there to cut you down, judge you, tell you what you should do with your life, lie to you, etc, you are better off without them. It is hard to see that when you are in a relationship, but once you are out of it, you can see things so much clearer! I promise you that:) I have been there and know the feelings, before and after! 

sweet dreams all! 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire thoughts

This afternoon I took a little time to watch a movie. Having heard that Slumdog Millionaire was "awesome", "great", "fantastic", so I decided to see what all the hype was about. 

There were a few story lines in the movie that caught my attention. One was how we adapt to our surroundings and survive. Second was no mater what life brings us, we have a few choices to make, quit/give up or make a effort to fight for what we know is right or what we want. Third, is that love is always there and we as humans want love and will go to the ends of the earth to find it. Some do, others don't. 

The movie is set in India....LOTS of small children, women, animals, trash and poor conditions. Looking at the screen made my heart cry out for what I was seeing. Even though it was a movie, the conditions are still happening today. Watching the movie made me so thankful for what I take for granted: a roof over my head, food when I want, clothes on my back and bathrooms (if you watch the movie you will know what I am referring to). 

The movie goes back & forth with the main character "Slumdog"  (known as Jamal) as he is playing "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" India version, to how he grew up as as child. As a child he witnesses his mom being killed (yes, I had to close my eyes at this scene), and him running (literally) for his life. Him and a million other kids. It made me realize how as kids, you know how to react to situations and take charge. He & his brother helped other kids to safety as others were taken by the Muslim's into bad places.

One night as it is pouring rain, Jamal & his brother, Salim are in a shed and a girl is standing in the rain w/ no where to go. The brother does not want to invite the girl in, but Jamal finally gets her (Latikain the shack. 

As the story unfolds, Jamal, Salim & Latika call themselves the 3 musketeers. They spend their young life fleeing from the bad guys and the prostitute ring. One young boy gets his eyes burned and becomes a beggar for the rest of his life. The 3 M finally make a getaway and in the process lose Latika....Jamal can not let it rest. He goes through the next years searching for her.

One day, as Jamal is in the city, he comes across the blind boy & a $100 dollar bill is given to him. He asks what face is on it and Jamal tells him (Ben Franklin). This is a question when he is on the show and basically wins him the money. 

So, as Jamal is playing the game, he knows the answers because of what he has been through in life. I had to think how that how we survive and use what life has given us to succeed or fail. Jamil had a horrible childhood, but because he stayed strong, preserved he was able to win the game and the money. The show thought that he cheated and had him interrogated.

So, to the love part. Through out Jamal's life, he has searched for Latika and found her many times only to lose her again.  One time when he finds her, he told her that he will be at the train station every day at 5:15. He is faithful to show up and finally one day she shows...but the bad guys come and take her away. He knows that she watches the show and he hopes that she will see him.  He is down to his last life line and the number he gave the show was his brother's.....but as fate would have it, Latika has the phone and soon realizes that it is ringing and answers it. The 25 second phone call provided no answer for him, but he knew that she was safe. After he wins the money, they both race to find each other. 

It was truly neat to watch how he cared so much for her and though about her through out his life. It was not a sappy love story, but rather one that showed how one person cared enough to risk his life for her (which he did several times). 

I thought about how we in life just kind of "float" through and don't really go after things that we want. I think that if you have been through tough times, you are more apt to pursue different things, be it love, jobs, travel, etc. 

As I walked away from the movie I took away a few lessons. 
#1) Never give up
#2) Always keep trying
#3) Use what life has taught you
#4) Love may be around the corner, you just have to go after it & be prepared that finding love is not easy, but when one person shows that they will go to the ends of the earth for you, you better not let it go.
#5) It is written (if/when you watch you will know why I mention that) 

I encourage you to see the movie if you have not. I am sure I will post more thoughts on it later, but I hope my thoughts have inspired you in some way!


Saturday, January 3, 2009


Going to try and keep my goal of writing what I did today...but it is getting late again:) 

The main highlight of my day was taking a much needed nap! 

I had a great morning yoga class as well. 

I also had some great puppy love by Bethany:)

Networked w/ a friend tonight and exchanged business ideas, fun!

Worked on getting some writing done for a few of my websites and updating info.

It is past my bedtime, so I am going to call it a night soon:)

Good morning

Well, I did not get much sleep last night. I was busy chatting with new friends via Twitter. I am so thankful for this new to me tool. I have made some great connections and look forward to seeing how I can help others as well. 

I have recently had conversations with people about others being judgemental. It is a topic I want to cover more in-depth. If you have any thoughts, I would love to hear them! 

This morning I am off to to a yoga class, then back to get some work done!

Have a great day! 

Friday, January 2, 2009

2nd day of 2009!

Well, I have not been very good about updating you on what I have been doing on a daily basis, but one of my goals for 2009 is to try to do it every day! Let's see if I can do that. 

So,  I will start w/ today (I will try to go back over the last month and bring you up to speed on what I did in December:)).

I am still house/dog sitting for my friend Deb, so this morning I did the usual dog duties. Then I sat down and started working on my business/professional bio for Linkedin. Writing about me & what I have done is not something I really like doing. It seems kind of bragging. But, I have to do, so I am trying my best to make it a fun read and professional at the same time!

It was a cloudy morning here and some areas had snow! I went to the gym to take yoga, but the teacher never showed up! So I did some yoga moves & abs on my own. Then I left and went to get my SUV cleaned (love it when it gets a bath, lol), then to the bank and finally to the store to pick up a few things to make a yummy pasta dish for after my run. 

When I pulled up to the gym this morning, I saw someone's car. I refused to let it get me upset. The 2nd day of 2009 is too soon to let things get to me, so with that, I moved on. Remaining strong and trusting in God is the only way I can do this. 

Back at the house, I took care of Bethany (the dog) and made a pasta cassorole. The house smelled so good!

I worked on my writing projects while on TweetDeck, Facebook and BrightKite and other multi-tasking things:)

At 3pm, my friend Steve & I went for a nice 6 mile trail run. The sun was actually out and not too cold:) It was nice to be outdoors, enjoying life & the fresh air! We then came back & enjoyed my yummy carbs (pasta) I made earlier. Then we took Bethany on a walk.

After he left, I went back to work on writing, spending time on TweetDeck, facebooking and playing with Bethany and oh yes, cleaned the kitchen, took the trash out and tried to pay attention to the football game! Did I say that I was a great multi-tasker?! lol!

Then I sorted out all the photos on Picasa and then uploaded them to Facebook. That took some time. 

Several people have asked my goals for the upcoming year. I will post them later this weekend. 

All in all, it has been a busy day and I am ready for bed...and day #3 of 2009! 

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


I can not believe how fast time goes by! I promise to catch up on blogging over the next few days:)

Have a great day!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

losing my mind!

This is more of a post to laugh out loud @ me

this morning I did the following with in 15 min:

#1) walked over to my desk to w/ the tv remote in hand instead of my phone to charge

#2) put away the milk in the pantry, not the fridge, did remember in time

#3) and for some reason thought that I was back in college and missed the "bell" (only you PCC'ers know what I am talking about:)

I can only hope the day gets better:)